Top Tips To Help Save Water At Home

With water bills looking set to rocket and new environmental initiatives to conserve water consumption in the home, it’s a perfect time to re-evaluate your own water usage. Here are five great ways that yourself and your household can adopt more planet-friendly habits.


Why not introduce a time limit to your water use? How many times have you let the water continue to run while brushing your teeth or stepping away from the sink to do something else?

Give yourself a quick ‘goal’ for whatever you’re about to do and make sure you only use as much water as you need. The key to timing your water use is being realistic. You might want to put the egg timer on while you’re doing the dishes and only use the running water to rinse. If you’re washing items of clothing, you could do it over a full sink rather than under the tap.

Once you change your habits, you’ll be shocked by how much water you wasted before!

Save Heat

If it starts to get chilly, you might automatically want to turn on the heating in the house. It’s important that you turn on the heat regularly in the winter in order to make sure your pipes don’t freeze, but when used in excess, it can be a drain on your water as well as your wallet.

Put on more layers of clothing, invest in a hot water bottle and utilise draft excluders. Don’t be afraid to get creative and think about what you could do to save heat rather than go directly to your boiler.


Rather than throw unused water down the sink for whatever reason, use it to water house plants. From the water you leave in half empty cups, to the water pets leave in their bowls, to water at the bottom of your washing up bowl – all of it can be recycled.

As long as this water is untainted by harsh chemicals and doesn’t contain large amounts of saturated food, use it to water your plants rather than filling up a watering can.

Power Showers

They say that baths conserve more water than showers, but this completely dependent on the size of the bath or the level to which you fill it up. You could even end up using more water than your average shower.

A power shower is a shower of short duration that you’ll want to keep under ten minutes. Taking two power showers a day will save you more water than taking a half hour shower at any one point in the day.

Keep Track

Saving water doesn’t have to be a chore. Make it fun! You and your family can keep track of what you’ve done to save water every week and even make it into a little competition.

It’s great to encourage better environmental approaches to daily life as soon as possible.

To find out more about what Bates Environmental do to make sure our processes are as ecologically friendly as possible, or to learn more about how our services could help you, get in contact with us today!