Travel can be a heavy burden on the environment, so new innovations are always being made in order to reduce the damage done by the high level of carbon emission caused by vehicles, locomotives or aircrafts.

So, what are the new and greener ways to travel that we’re looking at in 2019.

Hybrid/Electric Cars

hybrid electric car

Many have said that hybrid and electric cars may be the future of road travel. Electric cars lessen your impact on the planet by cutting out the need for fossil fuels to power your car and low-level toxicity of the exhaust will no longer be an issue.

It has also been said that electric cars may prove to be safer than offer a better level of control. Will you be investing in an electric car in 2019?Public Transport

If you live in the UK, you’re one of the millions that use public transport every day to reach their place of work or for leisure. There has been an expansion in talks to increase the level of public transport access, with more stops and more efficient bus services, in order to encourage more people to take public transport rather than a personal vehicle.

There is also an ongoing discussion about easier and even quicker high speed routes that could potentially save commuters time and money.

ELF Vehicle

elf train green travel

The world of engineering has long been pondering on a way to improve the biking experience for those who usually use conventional methods to travel. Although bikes are about as eco-friendly as you can get in terms of transportation, they can still prove to be inconvenient if the weather conditions for the day aren’t suitable for biking.

It’s here that engineers came up with the idea for the ELF vehicle, the sustainable impact and exercise benefits of a bike with the protection of a small car, such as a solid roof and doors on either side. Although this is largely still a prototype, and is slightly reminiscent of an oversized children’s pedal toy, the ELF vehicle is proving to be a great success with early consumers, who not only praise it’s usefulness, but it’s environmental benefits.

Here at Bates Environmental Ltd, we care about our impact on the environment. That’s why we operate in a sustainable way and perform our services with the environment in mind. Find out what we can offer