Not all of us are awfully fond of portable toilets. Actually, most of us are probably a tad adverse to public toilets in general. Let’s face it, they don’t look all that appealing.

With portable loos, however, you can make it a tad more exciting as these artists and designers have thanks to their creativity and determination to make going to the toilet fun.

Here are the top 5 portable toilet designs from around the world.


Found rather mysteriously in the middle of an empty field in Lewes, this portable toilet sported a cover which greatly resembled that of the famous time machine from BBC’s Doctor Who.

It’s easy enough to mistake any portable toilet for a police box anyway; most of them are tall, blue and mobile enough to be real life incarnation of the TARDIS.

Sadly, however, this toilet cannot travel in time and space. Probably a good thing, though. You don’t want to go to a time before toilets existed!

2. The Russian

These rather exciting designs were, of course, found in Russia and although it might seem rather vulgar to attach a country to a portable toilet, the patterns are nevertheless rather beautiful.

It was definitely a smart idea to paint them bright red, in any case, as many people struggle to find a toilet in the best of times and this will stand out across a square like nothing else.

Some may think the overtly intricate patterns unnecessary, but to that we ask… have you seen the Moscow metro?!

3. Fancy Shmancy

This rather elegant portable toilet was discovered on Filbert Street in San Francisco. Rather dapper than it has any right to be, this toilet's design is minimal yet pleasing. A large grey box with a white front door, you can imagine almost walking into a large manor house rather than a public loo if you chance to step inside. We particularly like the pillar designs along the side.

The best thing about this portable toilet, however, must be the fact that it’s got a doorbell. Yep. A fully functioning, cheerful-sounding doorbell.

Can be rather irksome if someone is desperate while you’re trying to go do your business in peace but it’s a cool idea nonetheless.

4. The Yarn Bomb

Yarn is probably the last thing you expect to find when it comes to portable toilets. With these two potties in Baltimore, USA, however, you will pleasantly surprised to see them bedecked in wool.

Yarn Bombing is the latest trend among the knitting and crocheting world in which public objects which would otherwise be dull are made to look colourful and fun.

It’s certainly creative and we applaud anyone with the nerve to do this to anything let alone a portable toilet.

5. Glass Perfection

Ever wanted a view of London while sitting on the throne? This art installation by Monica Bonvicini is a one-sided glass mobile toilet which brave users could step in and use.

On the outside, you see only a reflection of the buildings. On the inside, you can see everything around you. The toilet feels so open that it’s hard to believe no one can see you!

In any case, while not the most practical, it’s certainly a cool idea and worthy of being one of the top portable toilet designs.

Need a portable toilet for your event? We can provide! Check out our portable toilet page to see how we can help.

All images taken from Google.