What to Consider Before Building Your Eco-Home

Green homes have come a seriously long way in the last few years. No longer is it a mere pipe dream for you to build your ideal home while protecting the environment at the same time.

And with green growing mainstream, you could be building your ideal eco-home in the next few years. If you’re feeling inspired, read on to see what you should consider before building your eco-home.

Choose the Right Materials

Heavy materials like brick and concrete absorb a high amount of heat, releasing it slowly. Alternatively, you can use materials such as sheep’s wool, cellulose (recycled newspaper) or wood fibre, all of which are recyclable and fully biodegradable.The most crucial element to building any green house is in the materials. Make sure you select the most sustainable yet environmentally sound materials you can. Timber, blockwork, brick and any pre-fabricated items are all viable options.

Use Triple Glazing

Double glazing does wonders for keeping in the heat. Imagine what triple glazing can do! Not only does this step up from double make sense, it’s long-term much better for the environment than single glazed windows.

Focus on Water

Consider your water source, water wastage and any other things to do with water. It is incredibly important, and your decision could impact the carbon footprint of your home. Choose wisely and make sure you are clued up about everything. ß link to “Rainwater” blog

Manage Your Land

The land around your property is also incredibly important. It must be maintained so it is best to get it all sorted while building your property. Plant plenty of flora and use specific plants like conifers and willows to reduce water flow. This is also good for growing your own veg.

Power Source

Will you be using solar power or wind power? Choosing the right renewable source of energy is integral to your build as not only do you have to rely on it but you must know how to maintain it as well as what to do with it.

At Bates, we’re dedicated to protecting the environment. Check out our sewage and sanitation services to see how it can help you build your eco home.