Why you should leave Drain Unblocking to the Professionals

If you’ve recently noticed your bath takes longer to empty, your sink is bubbling or have nasty odours coming from your drains, you could be experiencing a blockage. Your first thought may be to grab a plunger or some supermarket-cleaner, but it’s in your best interest to leave drain unblocking to the professionals.

You could create more damage

Plumbing snakes are popular choices for homeowners who are trying to get rid of a blockage within their drain, but they can cause more harm than good. Older homes that have galvanised pipes can be damaged by plumbing snakes, as they can scrape away at the inside of the pipes and create cracks, eventually causing the pipes to completely break.

Cleaners contain dangerous chemicals

Many homeowners will go the supermarket and buy the most powerful drain cleaner they can find in order to clear any blockages. However, these drain cleaners are full of dangerous chemicals that they can erode the cement that holds drainage piping together, ultimately causing irreparable damage. Supermarket drain cleaners tend to provide temporary relief to a blockage, rather than completely clear the problem anyway, and they can also cause irritation, burns and health problems.

Bacteria in drains can cause health problems

Whilst the drain cleaners can pose health issues, so can the bacteria that is found within drains. Anyone who attempts to unblock a drain should wear the appropriate clothing and safety equipment, including goggles, gloves and face mask. Drains have been known to home E-Coli, Salmonella and Campylobacter Jejuni as well as methane gas, carbon monoxide and ammonia, all of which can be very dangerous.

Even if you’ve successfully cleared a drain blockage before, given the risks involved it is optimum for your safety to leave it to the professionals.

At Bates Environmental, we offer a range of drain services to help identify any potential issues and clear any blockages, no matter how stubborn they are! For more information about how we can help you, you can get in touch with the Bates team today by visiting our contact page or by calling us on 0800 043 37 11.